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Manchester United
A Couple of Things
Wednesday, 5 November 2003
Family Fallout Over Battle Of Britain
I always knew that my family was tight. Tight as in close rather than tight as in getting each other crappy Christmas presents... (although this too has been known to happen!)
But over the last 20 years there has been an underlying disquiet threatening to divide the family and tonight it reared it's ugly head.
It's football.
I am a staunch Manchester United fan...because they rule! They are, quite simply, the greatest football club in the world.
The rest of my family, bless them, support Manchester City (known from hereonin as "The Blue Shite") including my dad.

This evening saw the second leg of the Battle Of Britain game in the Champions League between the Mighty Man United and Rangers and unable to get a ticket I went to the local to watch it.

As we scored the first one (Diego Forlan with a mighty strike in the 8th minute) I texted my non-Red family and friends and my dad replied to tell me that he was there! Seriously!! My dad the City fan was there!

This is not the first time! Whenever we have a tasty European game at Old Trafford my dad manages to wangle himself a ticket somehow. He was there for Juventus, he was there for Real Madrid, he gave me his ticket for Pesci Munkas (see a pattern!)

So rather than think, do you know, my first born son who I've not seen for ages might like to see this and as his father how nice of me would it be to give him this ticket...my dad decided not only to go to the game himself but then send me loads of text messages telling me how great the atmosphere was and how this might never happen again.

I have no father!

(PS : We won 3-0 by the way!)

Posted by fatmancunian at 4:28 AM GMT

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