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Sunday, 19 October 2003
Is it all in Blaine?
Ananova reports today that experts reckon that US illusionist David Blaine could die as a result of the "Above and Below" stunt.
His aides need to be careful when reintroducing food into his diet to avoid "re-feeding syndrome".
He comes out tonight after 44 days in a perspex box.
So what was the point of it all? To prove that a man can do it but become very ill afterwards? Does he want to be a martyr to his trade? Is he such an attention seeker that he has to go to these lengths to satisfy his hunger...pardon the phrase.
Congratulations and everything but I can't help thinking that this entire exercise has done little to break the taboos of magic and illusion and will go down in history as one of those silly little things you hear on Radio 2 quizzes and get Z-list celebrities to talk about on "I Love 2003" - (which incidentally I will probably be available for - do you remember Spangles?)
Another point which was made more eloquently that I could on the
BBC News is that this whole trick devalues the power of the hunger strike.
I hope David is fine after coming out and suffers no complications. Maybe he'll think things through properly next time!
Or maybe he'll have learned some new card tricks.

Posted by fatmancunian at 8:02 AM BST

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